Learn Piano Online

Friday, November 2, 2007

Looking for Piano Lessons in Los Angeles? Don't Leave Home!

Simple Step By Step Piano Lesson. If You Cant Learn Piano From These Lessons Then You Cant Learn Piano Anymore


         >>  Dont Even Think Of Trying Other Prodicts untill You Read This <<


So, you live in Los Angeles and you want to play piano. Here are your options. You can pick up your local yellow pages and thumb through dozens of ads in the hope of finding a qualified teacher. Or?

You can learn how to play piano online for a fraction of the cost. That's right! Piano lessons in Los Angeles do not have to be expensive. You can pretty much find what you're looking for online. And most of the time, you can find piano lessons that are free.

For instance, the website gopiano.com has been around forever and teaches the beginning student how to play in the classical style.

If you're looking for something a little more creative, there's a website that teaches you how to improvise your own music. It's called quiescencemusic.com and has a free piano lesson for you.

The lesson is titled "Reflections in Water" and shows beginning students how to play something called the open position chord. This chord structure gives students an opportunity to play modern sounds right away. And you get to use BOTH hands.

Most online piano lesson sites try to start students off with triads. There's nothing wrong with triads. It's just that they aren't very modern sounding and aren't used much in today's music. With open position chords, you can begin playing and creating your own music? literally in minutes!

Look, if you live in Los Angeles, you know you have to get in your car to get pretty much anywhere. Why spend 20 minutes on the highway when you can learn piano from the comfort of home. In fact, by taking online piano lessons, you'll save a LOT of money. How much money? Look at it this way.

If online piano lessons cost $9.97 a month and you're run of the mill piano teacher in Los Angeles charges $30-$50 per hour (that's a conservative estimate) the cost for a year's worth of piano lessons would run you $960. That's if you spend $40 every other week.

But, if you decide to learn piano online, you could access ALL the lessons anytime you want and it would run you only $119. That's practically eight times cheaper. All in all, a pretty good deal!

Listen - don't waste your hard-earned money trying to find a piano teacher who lives 30 miles away. Save your time and your money. Learn piano online!

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online piano lessons. He has been helping students learn how to play piano in the New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now over the internet. Stop by now at http://www.quiescencemusic.com/piano_lessons.html for a FREE piano lesson!


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