Learn Piano Online

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Learn and Play Piano Now With This Easy to Use Technique!

Simple Step By Step Piano Lesson. If You Cant Learn Piano From These Lessons Then You Cant Learn Piano Anymore


         >>  Dont Even Think Of Trying Other Prodicts untill You Read This <<


You want to learn piano and play it now, but you don't want to spend years at it. Understandable. You're going to love this. It's something called the ostinato technique and with it you'll be able to improvise and create your own unique piano music right away!

An ostinato simply means repeating pattern. It's used in all types of music and is perfectly suited for the piano. Why? Because it's easy to create with! For example, let's look at one of my free piano lessons, "Winter Scene."

Here we have a repeating pattern (ostinato) going on in the left hand while the right hand improvises a melody. Now, why is this such a great technique for beginners? Because most anyone can play an ostinato pattern right away! There is no note-reading, no theory, and no requirement here other than being able to finger a chord. And 99.9% of people can do this!

The first thing you notice with this lesson is the sound. A full rich sound that's created with the left hand. The ostinato pattern creates a harmonic background over which you can improvise your own melody. And it takes just a few minutes to do! You don't have to read music. You don't have to take years of lessons. No. You just have to learn a little about chords and you can sound like a pro faster than any adult student who decides to go the classical route and spend thousands of dollars on a piano teacher.

To learn and play piano fast, learn the ostinato technique. It can be used in many, many different musical styles and offers you a quick way to create your own music fast!

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online piano lessons. He has been helping students learn how to play piano in the New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now over the internet. Stop by now at http://www.quiescencemusic.com/piano_lessons.html for a FREE piano lesson!

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